Life in Progress

"I've learned that you shouldn't be afraid to change: instead be afraid to stay where you are..If you let fear of change rule you, you will live never knowing there is a fuller life out there that is yours for taking."

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Survival of the Fittest?

Why do they call it boot camp when it's actually more like work your "boot-ey off camp". K and I just started our 5 weeks to physical fitness by joining one of the nationally accredited locally run boot camp fitness programs in our area.

Did you know that boot camp does not get cancelled even when the fallout from hurricane Dennis decides to visit your area? Yes!, I thought and prayed as I awoke at 5am, it's going to be cancelled. At 5:30a, K called and said we were going, after all it was the first class. So as the morning rain fell on top of me, and around me, I struggled to reach my toes and stretch my non-elastic legs. Warming up is what our instructor Ken said we were doing. Warming up to me is my morning cup of java and a nice shower.

"Give me a lap round the track, get going ladies." he shouted. And like a pack of wild animals, we all started to run at the same pace. For this is the time when you have the most energy and think to yourself; "What!?, this ain't so bad." Only to realize the track has a steep slope and it is much lengthier than you had projected.

This is what separates the pack and the "laggers" have to fend for their own as the "leaders" have left them in the dust. Surivival of the fittest.

We are then put through a series of drills, the likes of which my body and mind can not come to an agreement on. My mind says go and my body says NO! Heads turn to look at the person next to you to see if they are having the same argument with themselves when Ken barks out "This is not a spectator sport ladies, if I see one more head turn everyone is going down for push-ups." My gaze goes straight forward and cursed be the person(s) whose doesn't.

55 very wet minutes later, did I mention it was raining?, there was no way to define where the perspiration began and the water ended. Our time together was about to come to an end. As we laid down on the soggy, spongelike flooring of the children's play area in the park doing our full body situps, Ken informed us..."This was easy ladies, next time will challenging." I think I may have whimpered.."mommy...." as I was slowly lowering myself from a 1/2 attempted sit-up.

I turned to K and attempted to speak but I needed all my energy to get back to the car.


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