Life in Progress

"I've learned that you shouldn't be afraid to change: instead be afraid to stay where you are..If you let fear of change rule you, you will live never knowing there is a fuller life out there that is yours for taking."

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Head Sex

The other day I read about something called "Head Sex". Now, I know, actually, maybe I don't, what some of you are thinking right away. Images of porn, new ways to give "head" and god know what have entered most of your minds. I know , I have read your blogs, with fascination, I may add. :) :)

But this is actually about something more emotional. It's about the "intellectual combustion" between a man and a woman. It's about more than pure physical attraction, it's about the emotional feeling that you are on the same wave length with the opposite sex.

These tend to happen when one or both are involved in a relationship with someone else. Emotional affairs tend to progress rapidly because the two of you have a lot in common and although you may never get sexual with each other it can be just as intense.

According to the article..."Emotional affairs often end badly."

The creators of this article included a check list, if you answer yes to five or more of these, they say that you're probably having an "emotional affair" better known as Head Sex.

Although I am not in a relationship it is hard to apply this to myself, but I do have a platonic friend, who is not involved with someone else, who I sorta crush I'll give it ago.

1) Do you pay special attention to how you look before you see your "platonic" friend? Yes

2) Do you think crush-like thoughts, such as; "He/She would love this outfit." Yes, but more like "would this outfit really blow him away?"

3) Do you touch in "legal" ways-such as picking lint off her jacket or checking out his new biceps?
No, I just touch him..right now in a legal way.

4) Have you developed "mentionitis", where you're tempted to add his/her name in every third sentence when your with friends? Not quite there but do mention him every now and then

5) Have your friends been asking you if you two are really just friends? They did alot in the past, not so much now.

6) Do you tell your friend platonic details of your day before you tell your partner? N/A

7) Do you find yourselves comparing notes or complaining to each other about one another's partners? No, but we compare notes and complain about our previous relationships

8) Do you play down how much time you spend with him/her when talking to your partner? N/A

9) Has one of you said, "I'm attracted to you but I would never act on it, because you're attached? No

10) Would you partner be uncomfortable if they saw a video of the time you spend with this person?
If I had a partner I would ask.

Are these really signs of an emotional affair or are they signs of an unhappy relationship, a non-committed partner or someone who is in love with someone else?

I don't claim to know...I'm just the messenger.


At 9:11 AM, Blogger Deb said...

Well, I think a lot has to do with what personality type you are.

For me, I'm very outgoing, and a huge flirt. I have a few friends that are close to me where I feel comfortable enough to be 'handsy' or huggy, whatever--- but to an extent.

I do have a friend that we tend to be too flirtatious, however, I would never be with her in that way...

I think healthy friendships are trusting ones, where you feel comforable enough to brush the lint off your friend's jacket, or just be able to put your arm around them in a sincere way.

So--with this post- it really depends on the person.

Loved it!


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