Life in Progress

"I've learned that you shouldn't be afraid to change: instead be afraid to stay where you are..If you let fear of change rule you, you will live never knowing there is a fuller life out there that is yours for taking."

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Time can't change me...

Time for a cool change
I know that it's time for a cool change
Now that my life is so prearranged
I know that it's time for a cool change *

This weekend as the time changes and we fall back, I got to thinkin' (which can be dangerous)... How can we avoid "falling back" into the same mistakes over and over?

They say (BTW, who are they?) that timing is everything...

If you boil an egg too long it may explode all over your kitchen...(not that I know that first hand or anything) but let me tell you, it sure does make a mess not to mention scare the hell out of you when it explodes. :)

Arrive just 5 minutes too late and you can't get your luggage on the same flight.

Forget to pay a bill today and when you pay it tomorrow you get hit with a $25 late fee.

Meet the right guy at the wrong time and you'll never know what could have been.

(I feel as if I am rewriting the lyrics to the Alanis Morsette song, "Isn't it ironic".)

Being the friend that I want to be to my friend as she goes through this horrible situation with her marriage is hard. The timing couldn't be worse. I am trying to heal a broken heart while I am being her shoulder to lean upon, and she misses her husband, despite all the stuff he has done.

We rack our brains searching for reasons why. Maybe the simple answer to it all is that people come together and move apart-it's the age old webb and flow of relationships and /or friendships. Some are shorter journeys and others were meant to last a lifetime.

Even if you have everything in common, the one thing you don't share is the belief that the relationship could work. Your mind works overtime to come up with all the reasons you should be together. Your heart hurts and your mind wants to find a way to undo the pain.

All of this has stirred up in me emotions for "the guy", who I miss. He was my very good friend, my lover and will be someone that I will always love.

However, there is no quick remedy for the powerful sting of a heartbreak or heartache for that matter because at the end of the day, someone you loved, trusted and valued has rejected you. Try not to take that personally.

So how do we avoid "falling back" into what we know is familiar? I can't answer that.

However, they say TIME heals all wounds.

*Little River Band


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Deb said...


This post really hit home for me today- I needed to read this.

I fell back today over an 'ex', and it seems we were together at the wrong time, however loved each other back then, and still do now.

We are now with different people, but I have not gotten over her in two years. I almost hate myself for still having feelings for her.

It is all about timing. But if two years doesn't heal a broken heart, then what would it take?

You have a great blog here- glad I stumbled onto it! You're a great writer.

All the best!

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say the same thing evrytime...'Hmm, maybe this time will be different..."

Deb- Sometimes it takes more than two years and lots of therapy. Either way, we never truly get over it we just learn how to deal with it.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger Deb said...

Your blog must have had a subconscious impact on me! Don't even talk about therapy-don't get me going with that! If you had my therapist who literally sits there and stares at you like a deer in headlights, you would know, that drinking is the only solution. (ha jk!!!) You're totally right, we 'learn' to get over it and hopefully become better people because of the whole ordeal.


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