Life in Progress

"I've learned that you shouldn't be afraid to change: instead be afraid to stay where you are..If you let fear of change rule you, you will live never knowing there is a fuller life out there that is yours for taking."

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Lookin' Good

Watching Nip/Tuck this evening reminded me of the desire to be perfect.

My latest "fix" has been some cosmetic work on my teeth. Now, they (my teeth) are not yellow, widely spaced apart or even chipped. I have a slight overlap of teeth on the bottom so I got those invisalign braces and viola ..they are in line and look fab.

Today I went to the dermatologist and did a mole check. While there, I had her remove one from my arm..why mention this? Oh becasue the bandage just opened up and I bled all over my keyboard here while typing. NICE!

Ok I digress...SO this evening I went to one of those new "medical spas" to have a massage. After 90 minutes of bliss, I sat sipping on some cold H20 while looking at the brochure from the cosmetic enhancement side of this establishment. Maybe I should say the "menu", hmmm, would I like a breast enhancement, nah, a breast lift, mmmm, maybe down the road a little, how about some liposuction? Good god, look at how much they were able to "suck" out of that gal.

Oh, good god...look at the prices!!! I think I'll need to take out a loan to be able to make any enhancements. Or maybe I'll just stick with good ole diet and exercise.


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