Life in Progress

"I've learned that you shouldn't be afraid to change: instead be afraid to stay where you are..If you let fear of change rule you, you will live never knowing there is a fuller life out there that is yours for taking."

Monday, September 19, 2005


Aahhh to be a single woman...Wait, I am a single woman. A very frustrated single woman. Not for the reasons you may be thinking! My frustration comes from the things I am inapt at doing, laying ceramic tile, rewiring an electrical outlet and putting a new belt on my washing machine!

Now, I can install a ceiling fan and use a cordless drill for many tasks around the house but there are just some things I can not do and this frustrates me. It also frustrates me that I have to pay someone (a pretty penny) to do these things for me. So when the belt on my washing machine "smoked" up my house this morning I decided to tuff it up and do it myself. After looking at the manual on line (yes on line no longer a "book") I went to work only to find that one of the screws that secures the front panel of the damn (did I say that) machine is stripped. Yes, I have a stripped screw and there's nothing pornographic about it.

Needless to say the job is now on hold until I can figure out a way to remove a stripped screw or give in and find a guy to help. In my desperate attempt to solve this dilemma I even went as far as typing tripped screw into the search engine and guess what came back...No not porno ads, much to my dismay but actual tools for this problem. However, The Home Depot doesn't have
them. So here I was, blonde girl in a white (which I can still wear after labor day) suit in the tools section at The Home Depot. One might think, hhmm potential place to find a date, again ONE MIGHT THINK that but not me. I was on a mission to get me the right tools for the job...again we are talking about fixing my washing machine.

So when I got home this evening I decided to give it a rest and pick it up sometime tomorrow or the next day. Who am I kidding, I have to finish doing my laundry.

Before I tackle the task... I decided to read the entertainment news and all over the place it's splitsville...Renee and Kenny after 6 months of marriage -DIVORCE-they decided they had different objectives in mind for the marriage? " Zellweger and Chesney released a third statement, saying that "the miscommunication of the objective of their marriage at the start is the only reason for this annulment. Renee and Kenny value and respect each other and are saddened that their different objectives prevent the success of this marriage." I can't even begin to speculate.

Tori Spelling (who I am not a huge fan) and her husband of one year-DIVORCE! Which is funny because she just was the host ofE'ss best celebrity weddings tooting her own horn and wedding!

Aniston and Pitt? Hands in the air...Who's got a "Team Aniston" T-shirt?

I read the other day that a man running for a leadership position in one of the foreign countries wants to ban marriage and make it so no one can "get married". People would just live together. This may solve a lot of financial issues and put a few lawyers out of practice but hey is the way it is now any better?

Maybe I am better off to be single and frustrated (in so many ways) :) then married for a month, six months or a year and need toseparatee because "we had miscommunicated the objectives of the reason we were getting married." Hey, what's love got to do with it?

Well, I give them some credit at least they realized they made a "mistake" and are getting on with their lives. As Jennifer Aniston puts it...about her impending divorce, the former Friends star said, "I am doing so well," and urged others to follow her lead by moving forward. "You want to say, 'Come on people. Turn the page.'" As for the biggest lesson she's learned from the divorce?" Living in the moment, Aniston said. "I'm not sitting dwelling about the past or stressing or fretting about something in the future."

So Live, Love, and move on. Life's too short.


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