Life in Progress

"I've learned that you shouldn't be afraid to change: instead be afraid to stay where you are..If you let fear of change rule you, you will live never knowing there is a fuller life out there that is yours for taking."

Monday, September 12, 2005

When Harry Met Sally....

Can men and women be friends? This was the topic of conversation yesterday between some of us. Tom of course said no, Em said yes and I , well, I just shut my mouth. Tom's theory, the motivation of a guy to be friends with a woman is to sleep with her. He also added that once a guy is labeled a "friend" he never loses the label. She can think he is the "bomb" yet why won't she have a relationship with him? Here's where I jumped in with "because she doesn't find him attractive" Sometimes the truth hurts.

I tried the friendship thing once or twice with a guy. The "real world" version is that it doesn't work unless; 1. One of you is gay 2. One (even better if both) has no sexual chemisty toward the other. And you can't be friends with someone you have been involved with either intimately or emotionally unless items number 1 & 2 apply. Why? One of the two of you will misinterpret the "friendship"

It turns into a flow chart. You start here but if you feel this way you go this direction. If you feel another way you follow this direction. But all arrows lead you to the same outcome.

The "movie" version is that you both realize that your best friend is the person you want to be with emotionally and intimately. The real life version....????


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