When bad guys happen to good people...

Five women sitting around a pool on a Saturday afternoon...I know this sounds like the beginning of a joke but alas it is a true story. Of the five one caught her man (year + relationship) with another woman the night before. The wound is still so fresh you can smell the heartache dripping from it. She thought she had finally chosen a "nice" guy. His stats were; Deacon of his church and he shared with her a list of the ten things most important to him in a relationship. So where and when did it go wrong?
We women call it intuition and it is a powerful instinct that I believe the powers that be granted to us. Her plight: over the past month and 1/2 the several daily phone calls started going to twice a day, once a day and then every other day. The "plans" started to have interruptions, "have to meet with a client"..."backed up on admin. work, need to catch up"
Gut instinct says something's wrong. The topper might be that he never returned the calls that she placed to him Friday after he already answered the cell phone in mid conversation with someone else. The rest is history-she goes to his house -has the keys-waits for him to come home...Oh! it's all too painful and shameful to recant.
The question she asks over and over is "Why do I fall for these "bad" men?" Hey, who knew? None of us ever do. If we did we'd say, "Listen [name of friend making poor choice of mate], 50% of marriages end in divorce, and so there is a 50/50 statistical chance that I am correct and that [name of the total goober she's throwing her life away for] is not the right guy for you."
Maybe the real question is, why didn't he just tell her that he wanted to see other people?. Yes, the truth can hurt but it far outweighs the damage done if it isn't told. For evey woman and yes man that has been in this situation, the result is that they will have a hard time trusting anyone in the future. So heed my advice, come clean and spare us all the pain of having to ask, "Why me?"
Is "several phone calls" a day a good sign to begin with? It sounds like there are other issues as well which may have lead to the unhappy ending. Sorry to hear.
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