Oh, It's a Mad, Mad, world.....

Well there are some things in my that I can honestly say with strong conviction that I will never do again. Let me explain...it all started with the invite to what is becoming a Sunday ritual...pool party at B. and E.'s house with H. and E.. Usually consists of food, sun and drinking. B. offered up a very tasty concoction to me to quench my thirst, after all it was sunny and hot. This little 20 oz refresher tasted oh so fruity, kinda like grape soda with a twist. I enjoyed quite a few.
Funny thing about drinking in the sun, you never seem to feel as if you have consumed a lot of liqueur until the sun actually goes down. And when it did, so did I. Apparently my stomach did not like what I had deposited into it, lots of grape drink and little food. So we, me and my stomach, had a disagreement, it won. Don't make me spell it out people. As I was praying to the porcelain god, asking why? My host and maker of said fruity grape soda concoction says ..."that's what Maddog will do to you!"
Hello???!!!!! What the hell is Maddog? I've had my share of some of the cheap s**t in my younger days but never have I ever had this poison that they call Maddog. Just in case some of you have been sheltered, apparently living in a cave, like myself, I have attached a picture of the poison . Allow the image to burn in your mind and heed my advice when I say never ever touch the stuff. And with that, I'll head back to the couch with my Pepto and advil, and call it a night.
Mad Dog is always a bad trip, Mitch. Throwing it up was the best thing that you could have done.
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