I am currently digging...
Something you should know about me...I love to read. I read everything, magazines, journals, paper, books, etc...I guess because I am a visual person, I take it all in. Now as I have gotten older, my excuse, I sometimes have a hard time remembering where I read something or the exact quote but nonetheless I get the message delivered.
Another thing about me is I love beauty. Beauty products that is... skin care, hair products, makeup etc...You might say I am a" beauty junkie". In my off time, I freelance as an artist for various skincare and makeup lines.
What do the two things have in common? Well, since I subscribe to almost every beauty magazine on the planet and work in the the "biz", I have accumulated some knowlegde about what's currently in "out there". And if you have ever been to my house, I have my own version of a mini Sephora* going on.
My gf's often ask me, "What do you think about this, that and the other thing?" So, I have decided to incorporate this into my blog. Every now and then I will list some of the things I am currently "digging". I like this idea so much, that I am not going to limit it to just beauty products but books, movies, food etc... For this particular entry I will do "beauty".
Here's what I am digging in the world of beauty....
Prescriptives-reformulated their eyeshadows to have more pigment. Awesome! Great colors and staying power. And if you haven't tried their "Magic" line get thee to a prescriptives counter today.
Khiels-New! They've taken their Creme De Corps lotion and made it into a body wash and a "lightweight" lotion. Moisturizing w/o any greasiness and so gentle on the skin.
Fekkai- Hair damaged due to the summer elements? Get either the Tech Line hair mask for color treated hair or my new favorite the Protein RX for just "help me" treatment for all that blowdrying, flat ironing and hot rolling damage.
As far as what's coming back for Fall...the color of Plum! Get used to the smoky eye with a natural lip to compliment it. In addition to the "ice cream" pastel liners reminiscent of the 80's "Punk era".
Oh and one more thing..this is about fashion..Boots are back, cowboys boots! And these are hot!

*Sephora-store stocked with every beauty product known to Woman kind. Also on line at www.sephora.com
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