Bring It!
Another sporadic rainy day here...good thing I was able to come home early and wait for a delivery. I just hate being out in the rain when I am "dressed in my finery" as the delivery man said when he dropped off my package. Hee hee. I had so many good topics to blog about and whoosh they have all escaped me. So is the mind of a blonde girl.
While waiting on my package I decided to check out one of my many favorite shopping sites
Ebay! God! I love me some Ebay. It's that magical place where if you don't want it someone else will. I decided , on Tuesday, after viewing an old friend's Coach bag, that I must have the same one. But unfortunate for me Coach no longer makes it. Why, you might ask, do I need this bag? (1) because it's cool and (2) because it's cool looking. Need we go any further?
Anyway, the thing about Ebay is that once you get into the bidding you can not stop, I mean it! It's like an addiction, like playing slots or poker. Even when you have set your limit and have said that is my final offer, you have this uncontrollable urge to WIN! (or is this the competitive side of my personality?) . If someone outbids you say in the last 2 minutes what they are saying is "Bring It" and you, of course have two choices, one is you can log off and figure I'll try again later OR you do what most may do and say " Oh! I am bringin' it all right" and punch in a higher bid.
And so the the dance continues until the clock runs down and if you were fast enough you come out the winner. But here's the irony, you're the winner but sometimes at a much higher price than you ever wanted to pay, making you maybe, the loser?
Back to to me, I stopped, believe me it was hard but I did. Maybe becasue the doorbell rand and my delivery had arrived. However, even though I lost I still won! Seems that "Bidder X" had a history of "negative" feedback and that seemed to scare the seller so he offered it to me at my last bidding price. Now, here is where my sales skills don't fail me. I go back in and ask for a reduction on the price plus 2 day shipping on the item at a reasonable cost. And within a few minutes we have a deal!
Now I am not going to let you down from here b/c I've attached a picture of the bag since I know you are dying to know what it looks like.

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