
Sign says: "Good Start, but you've still got a ways to go."
During the holiday weekend the big bathroom remodeling project commenced. What was to be a simple job had turned into something slightly more complicated.
I had decided to change the floor to ceramic tile. However, I did not pick out the tile before the job began. Unbeknownst to me, tile is like cabinents, if you want something special they have to order it and it takes several weeks. Not going to work...need it today. So last Sunday I spent a great deal of the day traveling to 6 different tile stores, all those that were open, to look for tile. I came back with tile that all pretty much looked the same. After feeling somewhat defeated I finally chose a tile I liked. That decision did not come easy, and required me to call over a friend for a fourth opinion. Now ..Unfortunately I have the job of returning LOTS of tile.
Things I now own: A Sawhorse.
I may have mentioned that I decided to put radiant heat under the tiled floor. It kicks ass! I love stepping out of the shower onto a warm floor. It also makes sitting at the toilet somewhat comfortable...hehehehe
Now the cabinents, issues there. Love them, however they did have their flaws and the door to the linen tower was put on the wrong side at the manufacturers. I come to find out that this is NORMAL. You have to switch it upon installation and putty up the holes. Nice! Needless to say I MF'ed the dealer over the telephone line about his lack of communication on this etc..
We were only able to install three of the four cabinents because the countertop is not ready. It won't be ready until the sink comes in which is another couple of weeks.
My brother in law had to redo the plumbing which was an unexpected job. Apparently I did a not so good job of measuring where the pipes would line up with the backs of the cabinents. I was slightly off...which required some re-routing of pipe, done at about 8pm-1am in the morning (on a weeknight).
More things I now own: A blow torch..and getting to know the employees at Lowe's on a first name basis.
At this point, the ceiling needs repainted because when the walls were repainted the ceiling got splashed with color. I tried to touch it up but the ceiling paint is much whiter than the ceiling... so now I have white spots all over. As it is I would rather not mess with it but it needs to be done. My friend H. is going to come over and help with. He is a painting pro and it helps that he runs/owns a trade magazine for paint dealers.
I can shower and use the toilet but that's all for now. It'll be another month before things get finished. I now have the responsibility to find a new mirror for the wall and a new light, since they both are too big for the new design. In addition, I have some additional sanding and painting to do on the holes that were made in the wall for the new electrical boxes that were put in.
Now own...a new drill and the first name of the lady who works the returns desk at Lowe's
While all of this was going on, I realized that I am somewhat deficient in the home improvement gene. My own sister can change out a faucet and lay tile! So while I watched and learned, I secretly wished that I would meet a man who is skilled in this area. Oh! the projects we (he) could do. But alas, I haven't yet so I guess I will be going out and buying myself a couple of Do It Yourself books on plumbing, wiring etc...Because there might be a man secretly wishing he would meet a woman skilled in this area...Oh the projects we could do.
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