Life in Progress

"I've learned that you shouldn't be afraid to change: instead be afraid to stay where you are..If you let fear of change rule you, you will live never knowing there is a fuller life out there that is yours for taking."

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Home Improvement minus Pamela Anderson

I named this blog Home Improvement based upon the big remodeling project my bathroom is getting ready to undergo. I threw in the Pam Anderson comment to get your attention. It worked didn't it? Hey! I am blonde (as much as she is) and although my boobs are not DD's, I can wear a toolbelt with some sex appeal! I can even read the instructions, that's one for me and zippo for Pam!

Anyway.. I purchased my home seven years ago, it was new and of course priced beyond my means. They do say, "Buy more than you can afford, you will grow into it!" Right? Did I do that?, not quite. I put the bare necessities in with a few upgrades. One thing that has always bothered me is my master bathroom. I did nothing other than upgrade the faucets and added a jacuzzi tub. Basically, the place lacks drawers ,a linen closet, and space. Over the past two years, I have wanted to get in there and knock out the the wall and make it bigger but I was told what I wanted to do would not give me much more space for the amount of money I would have to sink into it. So what do I do? I go out and buy new cabinents, the most expensive ones, because of course, that is my taste. I have a built in sense for the finer things, it gravitates to the finer things, the more expensive items, this can be a problem when one is on a budget.
I then needed to replace the countertop hmmm, what kind of countertop would I choose? Marble? No. Corian? Maybe? Granite? Of Course! More expensive.

Now the floor needs replaced because it does not match the expensive cabinents. So would it be vinyl? No. Ceramic Tile? Yes! Now here's my little story with ceramic tile. A few years ago, my boyfriend at the time and I were considering buying this place together and he wanted ceramic tile in the bathrooms. I, however, did not because it can be so cold. How unpleasant, I thought, to get up in the middle of the night to pee and your feet hit the COLD, hard tiled floor. Hello, can you say WAKE UP! In the end, he bailed so vinyl floors it was! So why the change of heart? Three words....Electric floor warmer! Oh yeah! It'll warm up the tiles and has a programmable thermostat...that'll keep my little feetsies warm. :)

So now all I have left to do is to pick a new sink and a new faucet. Yes... the old one has to go because it too doesn't match. I am thinking a "vessel" sink, the kind that sits up on the counter not down in it with an unattached faucet to the side. Maybe I will post before and after pics on my blog!

One thing I may have learned is that when buying a new property it might be worth it to upgrade those amenities and build that cost into the loan rather than having to do it later out of your own pocket.


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