Life in Progress

"I've learned that you shouldn't be afraid to change: instead be afraid to stay where you are..If you let fear of change rule you, you will live never knowing there is a fuller life out there that is yours for taking."

Monday, September 05, 2005

It's all about me- Part 2

The holiday weekend has been quite a blur with my bathroom remodeling project the focus. Between the little things that have come up (we are out of that tile) and the occasional disageements between my visiting family members-I have taken to drinking. Yeah that's right, I went to the store and picked up some margherita mix and some Cuervo Gold and mixed me up the drink of happiness. I pretty much drank a whole pitcher myself on Sunday. Then I went to bed or was it I passed out?

I am feeling a little melancholy. Therefore I don't think I will try to write anything particularly witty or profound-but do I ever? So here are some more things you may not know, about me.

21- I love tortilla chips with shredded cheese melted on them. I could eat these everyday and have done so. Somtimes I add salsa and sour cream.

22- I like to sleep on flannel sheets even in the summer. MMmm soft.

23- I must have well pedicured feet- with my toes polished and my feet all nice and soft. Although I am personally "grossed out" by feet which may be why I need to have mine meticulous.

24-I love a dirty martini made with Ketel One vodka and bleu cheese stuffed olives. Got to give props to D. for turning me on to those.

25- I call my cat Boo-Boo Kitty, pookie, stinky and baby- but her real name is Samantha.

26- I have about 15 different shampoos and conditioners- I switch on and off. Don't even ask me for a count on hair/beauty products.

27-I don't enjoy cooking-so I don't cook. It's something that is no fun doing for one so I don't-however there are a few dishes I can make that are de-lish!

28- I think slow, soft kisses are so hot!

29-I am a visual person. If I see it I am able to remember it.

30- I love the way some men smell-by this I mean the cologne they wear mixed with their scent
31- I like surprises-good ones mind you.

32- I keep a journal and find writing in it to be very therapeutic.

33-I like to flirt.

34-I love to wear high heels. I find them comfortable.

35- I like going to the pool and sitting in the sun or laying in the water on a raft - and sleeping out in the sun with a breeze blowing on me.

36- I am a romantic at heart.

37-I quit smoking over two years ago. Yeah for me!

38-I had part of my liver removed in April -but hey! it grows back.

39-I am assertive but not offensive.

40-My new favorite number-The age I will be on Christmas of this year.


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