Life in Progress

"I've learned that you shouldn't be afraid to change: instead be afraid to stay where you are..If you let fear of change rule you, you will live never knowing there is a fuller life out there that is yours for taking."

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hmm I wonder.....

Part of my job requires me to spend sometimes a large amount of time sitting on my arse waiting for a physician to sign a document stating that I am leaving him "drugs". Samples, people. Today happened to be one of those unfortunate days which left me with nothing to do other than think of things to write about in my blog. Here are some of the random thoughts that passed through my mind during that HOUR wait!

If you cheat on someone will you always be a cheater?

Hmm, my boyfriend's college friend told him that he has had several affairs without his wife's knowledge, I guess it works for him. My friend Greg, once, actually several times, mentioned that he thought married people should sign a contract that would allow them to "sleep with other people" and still remain married if they chose to, because two people are not meant to be together forever.

Are one of the reasons, aside from midlife crisis, men date younger women (15 to 20 years their junior) because it gives them a sense of "taking care" of someone?

Why are Dr'.s so rude?

Do two people who are opposites have a chance of making a long term relationship work?

Do two people from different social classes have a chance of making a relationship work?

Why all the questions?

How long will it be before I can leave this uncomfortable stuffy waiting room filled with sick people.

If you are OCD about germs, do you actually contract more viruses and bacterial infections?

Why do women gain weight when they move in with their boyfriends? Why don't men lose weight when they live with their girlfriends?

Why do sneakers cost so much?

If your significant other gains weight and begins to look it do you tell them? Maybe this is why people cheat? Maybe that was a very shallow comment. hmmm

Oh time to go....

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Trying to get back on

I have posted new photos and I am trying to put some thought into what I want to write about I just have writer's block. AAHHH!