Thursday, December 22, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Ladies and Gentlemen
Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good.
Be nice to your siblings, they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
But trust me on the sunscreen
Monday, December 12, 2005
Before there was Aruba...
I don't think I have actually told the story of what happened the week before I left for this trip. About 6 months ago, I asked three friends to join me in Aruba at my time share. B & E, who are married, and Hans, we have all known each other for the past 10 years.
The week before the trip, I could not get a hold of B & E, who were also no shows at my 40th party. I had heard from Hans, that they might be having marital problems. Both he and I tried relentlessly to get a hold of them. No return calls, no e-mails etc.. So as Hans and I boarded the plane on Friday, despite being p***ed off, we were still hopeful that they just might show.
No such luck. We boarded, him in coach and me in first class, which was my birthday gift to myself.
So, it's me and Hans. He golfs A LOT and I lie on the beach A LOT. In the evening we go to dinner and then maybe to a bar. Each night one of us chooses a local restaurant. It's actually been kind of nice , no worries, no drama and Hans and I have a good respectful relationship.
Hans has his own room complete with his own bathroom and efficiency, which would have been where B & E where to sleep, leaving him to the couch. But becasue they didn't show, bonus for him.
I have my own room, with balcony etc... We share common space with the kitchen, living room and dining room. Actually we each have a balcony off our respective bedrooms that overlooks the city and the ocean. Completely amazing.
Upon arriving, and after traveling most of the day, we just kind of took it easy and sat out on the balcony while we watched the sun go down and the city light up like a Christmas tree. Caribbean music played in the distance below.
After awhile I went into my room and lit my travel candle (gift from Caroline) changed into my lounging pj bottoms and then went back ou on the the warm, breezy, beautiful night, where you could actually see Orion's belt in the sky.
I decided it ws time for a refresher on the cocktails. I grabbed ahold of the handle on the sliding door and pulled. Hmm, damn, this door is hard to open. I give it another attempt, this time with both hands and nothing. I look over at Hans and laugh (in panic sort of way) as I say "Uh, why don't you give this a try." He gets up and pulls, nothing. He tries again, nothing. Oh shit! We are locked out! I then burst into hysterical laughter saying "Are you kidding me?!"
While Hans continues to try to pry open the door. I go into survival mode. My mind begins breaking it down..Well, we are on the 9th floor, there is no one walking the area for us to scream and yell, "Hey we are locked out!" to. Should we throw the patio furniture into the glass and break it or scale down the balcony. Who the hell am I kidding? We are nine floors up and I can't possibly jump over the railing in pj's and flip flops and by the way, Hans, I find out, has a fear of heights. It also hits me, the candle in my bedroom! By now it has got to dangerously close to being nothing but liquid with a large flame ready to ignite the lampshade on my nightstand. Well, the upside is most likely a fire is bound to break out and we will be rescued.
While I am going through the worst case scenarios in my mind, Hans still pulling hard on the door almost lifting it out of it's tracks when suddenly without warning it breaks open, however not without taking the hinges with it.
But...Hey, we are in! No fires, no worries and no more shutting any of these doors completely when we go out on the balcony.
For your viewing pleasure I have attached some more pics. These are from Sunday.

Dinner at the Amazonia, where you eat 16 diferent cuts of meat, pork, and chicken
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Aruba Day #1
Sunset From Our Balcony...Room 911...Can you believe this is our room number!..Swear to God!
View of the Lazy River /Pool from the balcony of Room 911.
Pool Bar and Pool directly below balcony of room 911.
View North from the beach of the resort of the room 911.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
In Approximately...
In approximately, 10 hours a major snow storm will hit the city where I live.
In approximately, 11 hours, more than one, in fact several, auto accidents will occur because NO ONE can seem to drive when the first snowfall hits.
In approximately, 9 hours there will be a snow advisory put into effect for at least 12 hours.
In approximately, 1 hour salt trucks will hit the highways.
In approximately, 31 hours I will head to the airport.
In approximately, 33 hours I will board a plane.
In approximately, 42 hours I will be in Aruba.
In approximately, 3 seconds as you finish reading this, you will wish you were me.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
The Pursuit of Perfection
Is it so wrong to dislike the Victoria Secrets "girls"? They represent everything the average American woman is not and tries so hard to be. With their "D" cup breasts, that never seem to sag, is that in part to the uplift bras? Or the enhancement of surgery? Either way as they walk their breasts jiggle ever so perfectly and their legs appear to be endless and flawless.
I know, you may be thinking I am jealous, possibly insecure of my own self to sit here and write this. Au contraire, you couldn't be more wrong. I am, somewhat envious of these women, who wouldn't be? However, I am more disappointed in what they represent.
Really, if we wear the underwear and fishnet hose, we will not look like they do. The "sell" is that we will look like them if we purchase their lingerie. It is common knowledge that men, and some women, enjoy the catalogs and the TV special. Why wouldn't they? Afterall, it's the closest we can get to porn in our mailbox without the brown paper wrapper and on our TV without having to subscribe to Cinemax.
What really is happening ever so non challantly now more than ever, is the pursuit of perfection. We try, through plastic surgery, miracle drugs and potions to alter our outer shell. But altering our outer shell does not change who we are. When we look in the mirror, although the reflection is different, who we have been all our life will never change.
The old expression, "you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl." applies.
I imagine if the "average" woman strutted down the runway with little to nothing on no one would be particularly interested.
People that I know who have lost tremendous amounts of weight or who have had gastric bypass surgery are recommended to attend therapy. Deep inside, despite their physical alterations they are still that overweight, shy, insecure person. The attention they now may receive coupled with their new lifestyle can be overwhelming sending them spiraling into a depression. This ultimately ends up with them putting the weight back on. Afterall, the way they were before the alteration is who they will always be . They need to learn how to adapt and adjust or they will always go back to what they know.
We, despite, our imperfections have all experienced this at one time or another. Someone once said to me, "isn't it enough to accept that what you are is what you are. You work so hard to change and yet find no satisfaction and happiness. Is it possible to just celebrate and be happy with how you are?."
Maybe it would be if only the intrusion of these fallacies of perfection wouldn't be there every time we turn around.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Dirty Martinis
Oh, what a fabulous time I had last night. Today, I am nursing the lasting effects of one too many dirty martinis. Apparantly, I am not able to handle the alcohol like I could, oh, 20 years ago? So, I will give all the details later and list all the beautiful presents I received from some very dear friends. All I can muster up tonight is some of the photos. There are more but here is what I have for now. I've also posted some on the site that runs along the side of my blog page. Click on that to see more.
Birthday Girl!

Lori, Me & Ingrid (who just came back from Florida , B**ch)

Oooo..comfy robe (substitue for lack of bf on a cold night)
I LOVE Presents!!!

Birthday Booty!!!!

Friday, December 02, 2005
The Dance

As I was driving to my destination today, this came on the radio and nostaglia overwhelmed me.
Written by Garth Brooks, who as you can see is in the photo with me, it says it all so beautifully.
(Go easy on me now, this photo was taken 1993-4ish when I worked for a country music station, the hat I like, the shirt not so much)
"The Dance"
Looking back on the memory of
The dance we shared
'neath the stars above
For a moment all the world was right
How could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end
the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance
I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Holding you I held everything
For a moment wasn't I a king
But if I'd only known how the king would fall
Hey who's to say you know I might have changed it all
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end
the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance
I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Yes my life is better left to chance
I could have missed the pain
but I'd of had to miss the dance
40 I turn 40.
The big "40" birthday bash is approaching, this Saturday, to be exact. I am so looking forward to seeing old friends along with the new ones in my life. Plenty of pictures will be posted. So, in celebration, I decided to make a list of 40 things about moi that may be interesting facts or just plain boring bullshit to fill up this blog. Some of this is actually good blog material for future entries, at least I think so and afterall it is my birthday. (Everytime I revise this I think of more, so I am publishing before I change my mind.)
1. I am the oldest of three (born on X-mas day). Keep reading it gets better, I promise!
2. My parents wanted to name me Dawn. Good thing they didn't because I have pronunciation issues with that name, I pronounce it Don whether it's male or female.
3. I have three tattoos, one in the curve of my lower back, one on my ankle and one on my back, right shoulder.
4. Most people don't know this and when they find out are amazed since I appear not to "fit" the pre-conceived notions of one who "sports" tattoos.
5. I also have had my belly button pierced but had to remove it for surgery so the hole closed up...but I am reconsidering doing it again. Why not?
6. I get emotional about the unethical treatment of animals and some insects.
7. I will spend $25 on a tube of lipstick but will balk at spending $4 on a plastic cooking spatula.
8. I purchase way too much make-up..."Hello, my name is Michelle and I am a make-up addict" But you should really try this lipstick...
9. I purchase way too many hair and skin products..I am labeled the " tester" by friends, who frequently call me to ask what products I would recommend.
10. When I was in the third grade I punched a classmate, a boy, right in the nose. I heard and felt for the very first time the impact of my bare fist against the bone in his nose. I'm not sure who cried more, me, b/c he said he would tell my mom or him, humiliated and bleeding from a girl punch. In my defense, he told me I wouldn't do isn't that like a double dare?
11. I was a tomboy. My grandmother used to yell at me to stop playing P-I-G with the neighborhood boys because it wasn't the proper thing for a young girl to do. Now, I am "afraid" of catching a flyball in fear I will break a nail.
12. I learned about "the birds and the bees" in the garage of the neighbor bot, who was five years older than all of us, (I didn't have it I learned about it). I, then went home and asked my mom, who was mortified that her little girl was asking about "intercourse". When she explained it to me, I walked away perplexed by the fact that "that" couldn't possibly fit into "that".
13. I recently became familiar with the following phrases : "That's how the cow ate the cabbage" " It's Colder than a witches tit in a brass bra" all thanks to my friend Amy. Amy's trademark phrase, "Good times'.
14. I also learned, that Amy's hubby Matt occasionally refers to making love as " riding the bone coaster..Weeee!"I know, too much information. But it made me laugh.
15. Favorite drink of the moment..dirty martinis w/ blue cheese stuffed olives.
16. Uh..I did have a mullet hairstyle. Repeat DID. I prefer to call it a shag, but once it was permed it looked like a mullet and I took my senior picture like that.
17. In seventh grade, I saved up enough money to have my hair corn-rowed. It took HOURS do women do this?! To think I did this just so I could remove the braids and have these crimped waves in my hair-which I made last for days by not shampooing. EEWW. Now they have crimping irons that do that!
18. At that same time I also wore clogs (which are back) and tunic tops (again in fashion) If only I had known.
19. I have had a great and memorable time working in the business of radio. It has allowed me the opportunity to travel, dine and develop friendships with many, many artists in the country music, pop music and rock music genre.
20. My mom "put" me through baton twirling, tap dancing and swimming classes. I say "put" because I hated each one. Baton twirling b/c I had to wear a black unitard, which at that age full of baby fat, I looked like a sausage stuffed in casing. Tap dancing... she would make me practice 30 minutes a day in my room on the hardwood floors. But I was smart. I used to put those shoes on my hands and tap tap away without breaking a sweat. Oh, swimming classes. To this day, I fear water. I think it was when the instructor threw me in the deep end and told me to swim as I gulped water sinking slowly to my death. Yeah, (shaking) that was it!
21. Am I done yet? No, so at this age (21) I no longer needed my fake ID which looked nothing like me anyway.
22. I once was "acted", if you could call it that, in a TV commercial for a planned parenthood type of organization. Whenever I would go out in public someone was bound to say ..."hey you is that girl on that commercial?" Oh, I am so proud . Sarcastic tone
23. As a youngster, I played the organ (musical instrument , gutter minds :) ), the violin (did you know you can't have fingernails) and I was first soprano in choir. Now, I couldn't play a lick to save my life, I still have that violin in it's case and first soprano???...I don't know how I ever got my voice that high without breaking glass or someone's eardrum.
24. I have been blessed with many opportunities in my life and I thank god in my own personal way.
25. I believe people come in and out of your life for a reason. In that same thought, people make mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance.
26. The day of my senior prom I decided to allow a friend "who also cut hair" do a little shaping of my hair-she cut it up to my earlobes and hacked my bangs. Thank god, I was wearing a hat...."a hat?" oh god! I really wore a hat!
26. Last October I took a long awaited trip to Italy with my good friend Caroline. I have wanted to go there for years and I made it.
27. My secret passion? To be in a band. I used to "play" rock star in our family room when no one was home but me...with the music turned up loud, the chair was my keyboard and the remote was my microphone. During the commercials I "talked" to the audience.
Hmm, this may explain why I am in therapy.
28. The women in my life who have been there: Julie, Becky, Kristin, Donna, Amy,Caroline, Cathy, Emilie, Mom, Renee. If I forgot someone, forgive me.
29. I believe the basis of any relationship is honesty, respect and trust. This is what I come to expect in my friendships and relationships. Those who know me know this. I believe we all have to take it on the chin when we mess up. Treat others as you would like them to treat you.
30. The age (30)I had the most angst about turning. I think b/c I thought I should be married with 1.5 kids.
31. High maintenance-NO, not me....just order me up a spinach salad-hold the onions, delete the bacon, can I have balsamic vinaigrette , on the side and BTW, no croutons. I am trying to cut down on my carbs. hee hee
32. In my formative years between the age of 8-12 I used to "publish" in my basement; "Mother Goose News" It was a "paper" in which I would write editorials and news stories about fairy tale characters...i.e.Headline: "Tragedy occurred today as Mr. Dumpty fell off a wall"
story: At 12:15 pm, Mr. Humpty Dumpty fell off the brick wall at the king's courtyard. Several of the king's men tried to put him back together. One bystander, Mr. Knight, saw first hand....." OK..I know don't go parents, the recipients of my works, were so proud. Mom saved all them for me.
33. My mom always thought I would be a writer. Not because of Mother Goose News but I wrote a book in the 6th grade that as quoted by my Mom; "was so well written, descriptive and tear jerking.." It won 1st place in the writing competition. A "would be writer" was born. Moms are good like that.
34. I was fortunate to have many special men in my life-Tim; my first, (insert: throat clearing sound here), Brian; my high school "love", Tim (different one)-my college love, Jeff-for the first "all night experience" (no need to clarify), John-so kind and loving, Greg; see #39 and Dave; first guy to be my best friend and someone who could make me laugh even when I wanted to cry .
35. I love red licorice(the thick kind) and chocolate covered raisins. My college roommates used to bring them to me when I was sad to cheer me up. I now buy them to celebrate!
35. Some call me Chelle, some call me Mitch (and a few call me some other names I don't think are very friendly) :) They're just jealous!
36. The age I started to panic about turning 40 and still being single with a cat.
37. Samantha-my cat. aka, Sam, Sammy, Boo Boo, Princess, and by some "Satan"-which is so crazy. She loves me unconditionally except when she is trying to rule the world. She is "my child", my little princess and I love her. Oh... and she likes to lay with her backend near my face when I am sleeping. Nice!
38. I have always loved to read and still do. I loved it when Mom would take us to the library every Saturday to get more books. I still love the library and go there to hide out and read.
39. I miss Greg-who died of colon cancer at 35. A very special friend to me in all types of weather. Also... responsible for my first strip club experience.
40. The age in which I am so excited to start a new chapter of my life!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Wax On...Wax Off
No prolific thoughts today/tonight. I may have exhausted my thought processes for the week. I do have a little treat I will be leaving here tomorrow before the big birthday bash.
Today, I had movement, after I wrote that and read it back it sounds "not right", so let me clarify, I moved from the bed from which it and I have become "one". What a bed! I bought a "Sleep Number" bed a year ago and since then have not had an issue with comfort. In case you want to know, "my sleep number is 35".
I went into my office earlier this evening and attempted to put a phone I bought back into its box . I was checking it out before I wrapped it for a gift. Let's say if this were a contest, Box (1), Michelle (0). So I gave up, for now.
Turned on the fireplace..mmm toasty.. and moved back into the bedroom around 6pm. I have a see thru fireplace, its in the living room looking into the bedroom. I fell asleep in its warmth for a little nappy. Sam was curled up next to me with her head twisted upside down in her tiny furry body. What a contoursionist. I awoke an hour 1/2 later thirsty so I made my way to the kitchen. Mmm, I smelled the strong scent of vanilla. Wow, those air fresheners are really kickin' butt.
It was upon my return to the bedroom, I saw it. It was large, half decomposed, and its inner workings were exposed. It was slowly moving on the marble base that surrounded my warm and toasty fireplace. Oh god, are you kidding me?!
Yes, there it was, happening right before my eyes. Both of my vanilla pillar candles had melted into one clump of wax. Now, what were once, tall and stout pillars were nothing but a pile of vanilla wax "goo" with their guts(ok, their wicks) exposed. As the melting wax slowly dripped one drop after another into the growing pile of goo, each drop splashed strings of wax, that some candle makers would consider art, ever so elegantly all over the wall, fireplace trim and front of the glass.
Oh, so that's where that vanilla scent was coming from. %@!**&
20 minutes later, a 1/4 of a roll of paper towels and some incredible wax remover. I was back in the heavenly comforts of my bed, Sam right next to me, this time doing her nightly cleansing ritual, enjoying the ever so sweet smell of vanilla still lingering in the air. Hmmm. :)